Thursday, May 23, 2013

超有感 瞬间好感 好到觉得好烦反感 又变无感

天天都天蓝 难得下雨的浪漫
两人一把伞 又爱阳光
一天一个赞 赞到非凡变平凡

孤独够想找伴 套牢了想结帐
心情刚跌停板 慾望又涨停板
闷死就想心乱 烦死就想平淡
就像身体健康 靠血液循环

超有感 瞬间好感
好到觉得好烦 反感又变无感
超无感 很快有快感
出去走走转转 就有灵感

超伤感 就像流感
热泪变成冷汗 回头就变喜感
大循环 不需第六感
不断有感 无感 赶得挺赶
不用管 呃.........
血液循环 呃......

一摊又一摊 吃到太甜就爱酸
不做工作狂 谈到恋爱像上班

this week was crazy.. like literally crazy..
i dont know how to explain but just crazy.. its more than crazy but crazy was the best word i can think of.
Everything seems to be so screwed up.. going to school is the only thing i am looking forward to everyday but at the same time not.

yeap i understand i am not the only one going through all these, all these problems can be very small to people..
aiyah but heck, i really need somewhere to vent all these but whenever i decided to vent something out, i always fail to phrase them or idk where to start..
yesss i am weird..
the way i distress is weird
hahahahahahahaha! okay being random here.

heard this phrase from a friend of mine and somehow it really works on me! haha suddenly everything just 'poof' when you literally Laugh Out Loud.
then when u manage to forget everything, a new problem just have to say Hi to you. how crappy can this get.

okay i need to get back to project now, TATA!

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