Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I thank God for the girl friends in my life that are willing to listen to me whenever I need a listening ear and really need to vent something out. Thank God for them. Really love them to the max max until cannot max anymore! <3
Okay I'm not trying to be dramatic here, don't misunderstand my post and point of view here. Just really want to appreciate them for being in my life and be with me. Sob I really love them <33
Plus all the encouragement they have given me throughout all these years giving me support for whatever decision I make and made.
Yeap! Just every little thing they did and do for me really touches me <3
Really thank God for them!

HAHAHAHAHAHA girls~ ok kinda Shy to put names down here ...


And and the guys I know that are around me that they are really very nice people. Whom I know all these years.. Encouraging me and knowing that I'm a whiny girl here and there. Really thank God for letting me knowing them and learning some jokes from them! XD

* sorry if my post offended you somehow or another as I know I'm not very good in terms of my language and expressions. But yes I'm really trying to be appreciative here'

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